A4WaterUtilities.GeoNetTools.AddFlagsForSewerProfile C# (CSharp) Méthode

AddFlagsForSewerProfile() public static méthode

public static AddFlagsForSewerProfile ( IApplication app, double snapTol, List ProfileGraph ) : void
app IApplication
snapTol double
ProfileGraph List
Résultat void
        public static void AddFlagsForSewerProfile(IApplication app, double snapTol, List<ProfileGraphDetails> ProfileGraph)
            IFeatureCursor pFeatCursor = null;
            IMxDocument pMxDoc = null;

            IPoint pTracePoint = null;
            ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = null;
            // set the symbol for the flag, red circle
            IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSym = null;
            IRgbColor pRGBColor = null;

            IFeatureLayer pManholeLayer = null;
            IFeatureLayer pMainLayer = null;
            IFeatureLayer pTapLayer = null;
            IGraphicsContainer gc = null;

            IElement pProfileElemFirst = null;
            IElementProperties3 pProfileElemPropFirst = null;

            IElement element = null;
            IElementProperties3 elementProp = null;
            ITopologicalOperator pTopoOp = null;

            IFeature pFeature = null;
            double snapdistnet; // NetworkExt search tolerance
            IPolygon pBuffGeometry = null;
            IMarkerElement markerelem = null;
            IGeometricNetwork gn = null;

            IEnumNetEID juncEIDs = null;
            IEnumNetEID edgeEIDs = null;
                pMxDoc = ((IMxDocument)app.Document);

                pTracePoint = pMxDoc.CurrentLocation;

                pMarkerSym = Globals.FindMarkerSym("Esri.style", "Default", "Circle 2", pMxDoc);
                pRGBColor = Globals.GetColor(255, 0, 0);

                pMarkerSym.Color = pRGBColor;
                pMarkerSym.Size = 11;

                gc = pMxDoc.FocusMap as IGraphicsContainer;

                pProfileElemFirst = null;
                pProfileElemPropFirst = null;

                element = gc.Next();

                while (element != null)
                    elementProp = element as IElementProperties3;
                    if (elementProp.Name.Contains("ProfileGraphFlag"))
                        if (pProfileElemFirst == null)
                            pProfileElemFirst = element;
                            pProfileElemPropFirst = elementProp;

                    element = gc.Next();

                for (int i = 0; i < ProfileGraph.Count; i++)
                    if (pProfileElemFirst != null)
                        if (!pProfileElemPropFirst.Name.Contains(ProfileGraph[i].Network_Name))
                            //MessageBox.Show("The network (" + ProfileGraph[i].Network_Name + ") was not found, please update the config to make the name of the layer in the mxd");


                    bool FCorLayerManhole = true;
                    pManholeLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(pMxDoc.FocusMap, ProfileGraph[i].Point_LayerName, ref FCorLayerManhole);

                    if (pManholeLayer == null)
                        // MessageBox.Show("The point layer (" + ProfileGraph[i].Point_LayerName + ") was not found, please update the config to make the name of the layer in the mxd");

                    bool FCorLayerMain = true;
                    pMainLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(pMxDoc.FocusMap, ProfileGraph[i].Line_LayerName, ref FCorLayerMain);
                    if (pMainLayer == null)
                        // MessageBox.Show("The Main layer (" + ProfileGraph[i].Line_LayerName + ") was not found, please update the config to make the name of the layer in the mxd");

                    bool FCorLayerTap = true;
                    if (ProfileGraph[i].PointAlong_LayerName != "")
                        pTapLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(pMxDoc.FocusMap, ProfileGraph[i].PointAlong_LayerName, ref FCorLayerTap);

                        pTapLayer = null;
                    // make sure a manhole was selected
                    // buffer the point by the snap tolerance, this is faster than checking
                    //the flag to see if it is on a manhole

                    pTopoOp = (ITopologicalOperator)pTracePoint;  // QI
                    snapdistnet = Globals.ConvertPixelsToMap(snapTol, pMxDoc.FocusMap);
                    pBuffGeometry = (IPolygon)pTopoOp.Buffer(snapdistnet);

                    // get the feature the user clicked to be sure it's a manhole

                    pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                    pSpatialFilter.Geometry = pBuffGeometry;
                    pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
                    pSpatialFilter.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;
                    pFeatCursor = pManholeLayer.Search(pSpatialFilter, true);

                    // there is a layer definition set to show only manholes, cursor
                    // will return nothing if user didn't click on a manhole
                    pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();

                    if (pFeature != null)
                        pMxDoc.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, pBuffGeometry.Envelope);

                        markerelem = new MarkerElementClass();
                        markerelem.Symbol = pMarkerSym;
                        element = (IElement)markerelem;
                        element.Geometry = pFeature.ShapeCopy;
                        elementProp = element as IElementProperties3;
                        elementProp.Name = "ProfileGraphFlag-" + ProfileGraph[i].Network_Name;

                        elementProp.ReferenceScale = pMxDoc.FocusMap.ReferenceScale;
                        gc.AddElement(element, 0);

                        if (pProfileElemFirst == null)
                            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStatusBar statusBar = null;
                            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IAnimationProgressor animationProgressor = null;
                            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel trackCancel = null;
                            ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialogFactory progressDialogFactory = null;
                            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStepProgressor stepProgressor = null;
                            ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2 progressDialog2 = null;

                            statusBar = app.StatusBar;
                            animationProgressor = statusBar.ProgressAnimation;

                            animationProgressor.Play(0, -1, -1);

                            statusBar.set_Message(0, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_19a"));

                            // Create a CancelTracker
                            trackCancel = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.CancelTrackerClass();

                            progressDialogFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.ProgressDialogFactoryClass();

                            // Set the properties of the Step Progressor
                            System.Int32 int32_hWnd = app.hWnd;
                            stepProgressor = progressDialogFactory.Create(trackCancel, int32_hWnd);
                            stepProgressor.MinRange = 0;
                            stepProgressor.MaxRange = 3;
                            stepProgressor.StepValue = 1;
                            stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsDesc_19a");

                            // Create the ProgressDialog. This automatically displays the dialog
                            progressDialog2 = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2)stepProgressor; // Explict Cast

                            // Set the properties of the ProgressDialog
                            progressDialog2.CancelEnabled = true;
                            progressDialog2.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsDesc_19a");
                            progressDialog2.Title = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsTitle_19a");
                            progressDialog2.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral;

                            // Step. Do your big process here.
                            System.Boolean boolean_Continue = false;
                            boolean_Continue = true;


                            GeoNetTools.TracePath(new double[] { (pProfileElemFirst.Geometry as IPoint).X, (element.Geometry as IPoint).X },
                                new double[] { (pProfileElemFirst.Geometry as IPoint).Y, (element.Geometry as IPoint).Y },
                                ProfileGraph[i].Network_Name, app, pMxDoc.FocusMap, true, snapTol, true, out juncEIDs, out edgeEIDs, out gn);
                            boolean_Continue = trackCancel.Continue();
                            if (!boolean_Continue)
                            stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("GeoNetToolsProc_19a");
                            if (juncEIDs != null && edgeEIDs != null)
                                GeoNetTools.ProfileGetRelatedElevData(app, ProfileGraph, gn, edgeEIDs, juncEIDs, i, ref pManholeLayer, ref pMainLayer, ref pTapLayer);



                            // unpress the UIToolControl button
                            app.CurrentTool = null;
                            progressDialog2 = null;

                    else//Next Layer in the config



            catch (Exception Ex)
                MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorInThe") + "AddFlagsForSewerProfile " + Ex.Message);
                if (pFeatCursor != null)

                pFeatCursor = null;
                pMxDoc = null;

                pTracePoint = null;
                pSpatialFilter = null;
                // set the symbol for the flag, red circle
                pMarkerSym = null;
                pRGBColor = null;

                pManholeLayer = null;
                pMainLayer = null;
                pTapLayer = null;
                gc = null;

                pProfileElemFirst = null;
                pProfileElemPropFirst = null;

                element = null;
                elementProp = null;
                pTopoOp = null;

                pFeature = null;

                pBuffGeometry = null;
                markerelem = null;
                gn = null;

                juncEIDs = null;
                edgeEIDs = null;