Amazon.ElasticMapReduce.Model.StepFactory.NewEnableDebuggingStep C# (CSharp) Method

NewEnableDebuggingStep() public method

When run as the first step in your job flow, enables the Hadoop debugging UI in the AWS Management Console.
public NewEnableDebuggingStep ( ) : HadoopJarStepConfig
return HadoopJarStepConfig
        public HadoopJarStepConfig NewEnableDebuggingStep() 
            return NewScriptRunnerStep(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "s3://{0}/libs/state-pusher/0.1/fetch", bucket));

Usage Example

Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override ProvisionAddOnResult Provision(AddonProvisionRequest request)
            var provisionResult = new ProvisionAddOnResult("") { IsSuccess = true };
            AddonManifest manifest = request.Manifest;
            string developerOptions = request.DeveloperOptions;

                IAmazonElasticMapReduce client;
                EMRDeveloperOptions devOptions;

                var parseOptionsResult = ParseDevOptions(developerOptions, out devOptions);
                if (!parseOptionsResult.IsSuccess)
                    provisionResult.EndUserMessage = parseOptionsResult.EndUserMessage;
                    return provisionResult;

                var establishClientResult = EstablishClient(manifest, EMRDeveloperOptions.Parse(developerOptions), out client);
                if (!establishClientResult.IsSuccess)
                    provisionResult.EndUserMessage = establishClientResult.EndUserMessage;
                    return provisionResult;

                var stepFactory = new StepFactory();

                StepConfig enabledebugging = null;

                if (devOptions.EnableDebugging)
                    enabledebugging = new StepConfig
                        Name = "Enable debugging",
                        ActionOnFailure = "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW",
                        HadoopJarStep = stepFactory.NewEnableDebuggingStep()

                var installHive = new StepConfig
                    Name = "Install Hive",
                    ActionOnFailure = "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW",
                    HadoopJarStep = stepFactory.NewInstallHiveStep()

                var instanceConfig = new JobFlowInstancesConfig
                    Ec2KeyName = devOptions.Ec2KeyName,
                    HadoopVersion = "0.20",
                    InstanceCount = devOptions.InstanceCount,
                    // this is important. the EMR job flow must be kept alive for the application to see it during provisioning
                    KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps = true,
                    MasterInstanceType = devOptions.MasterInstanceType,
                    SlaveInstanceType = devOptions.SlaveInstanceType

                var _request = new RunJobFlowRequest
                    Name = devOptions.JobFlowName,
                    Steps = { enabledebugging, installHive },
                    // revisit this one in ne
                    LogUri = "s3://myawsbucket",
                    Instances = instanceConfig

                // if debugging is enabled, add to top of the list of steps.
                if (devOptions.EnableDebugging)
                    _request.Steps.Insert(0, enabledebugging);

                var result = client.RunJobFlow(_request);

                // wait for JobFlowID to come back.
                while (result.JobFlowId == null)

                provisionResult.IsSuccess = true;
                provisionResult.ConnectionData = string.Format(result.JobFlowId);
            catch (Exception e)
                provisionResult.EndUserMessage = e.Message;

            return provisionResult;